My DBLP page
- Reversible Transducers over Infinite Words
(available here)
Luc Dartois, Paul Gastin, Loïc Germerie Guizouarn, R. Govind, and Shankaranarayanan Krishna
CONCUR, August 2024, volume 311 of LIPIcs, pages 21:1-21:22
- RSC to the ReSCu: Automated Verification of Communicating Automata
(available here)
Loïc Desgeorges and Loïc Germerie Guizouarn
COORDINATION, June 2023, volume 13908 of LNCS, pages 135-143
- Multiparty Half-duplex Systems and Synchronous Communications
(available here)
Cinzia Di Giusto, Loïc Germerie Guizouarn, and Étienne Lozes
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, February 2023
- Formalising Futures and Promises in Viper
(available here)
Cinzia Di Giusto, Loïc Germerie Guizouarn, Ludovic Henrio, and Étienne Lozes
33èmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, June 2022
- Towards Generalised Half-duplex Systems
(available here)
Cinzia Di Giusto, Loïc Germerie Guizouarn, and Étienne Lozes
ICE Online, June 2021, volume 347 of EPTCS, pages 22–37